Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Helping "...Those Who Have No Voice"

I learned about a great opportunity today that ANYONE can take advantage of! Ria shared with us how we can help the community in Uganda! Her first post (here) shares her personal experience and passion for the beautiful people in Uganda. There is truly such a need.

Ria's second post (here) shares about an incredible program called 147 Million Orphans that two women put together to give us the opportunities to do our part in helping change the life of an orphan.

They offer beautiful necklaces and sweet shirts as a way to fundraise and financially support orphans in Uganda!

How awesome of an opportunity to reach out to Uganda AND add some unique style to your wardrobe!

My little compassion child is also from Uganda and she is such a sweetheart. Her name is Grace Mutesi and she is so BEAUTIFUL! She is in second grade and enjoys her Bible class much! I absolutely love getting my letters from her and learning about her life and her passions :) If you would like more information on Compassion and sponsoring a child, please visit there website here.

Have a Blessed Wednesday!


  1. THANKS darling girl :) I am going to tag you in a post tomorrow too!! You are sooo sweet. Talk soon!

  2. Just found your blog from Ria's latest post! I'm your newest follower so I can keep up w/ your beautiful blog!! Have a great Thursday! =)
