Tuesday, May 4, 2010


I wanted to introduce the blog world to my darling puppy Tucker!

Tucker is truly one-of-a-kind. He is adorable, cute, soft, kind, and loyal. However, he also thinks the house is a place to go to the bathroom. It just doesn't click in his cute, little head. And sometimes, Tucker likes to run free...around the entire neighborhood without my permission. But it is hard to be upset at such a cute puppy. Grant likes to discipline Tucker a lot and Grant also likes to play rough with Tucker. Even though Grant puts an act on that he doesn't appreciate Tucker...I know he does :)

We actually obtained Tucker as a reward for passing one of my figure skating tests. My mom told me that I had a choice of getting a sunroof or a puppy. My first inclination was to get a sunroof. I figured that I had grown up my whole life without an animal, I'd still be okay without one. However, my mom made the decision for me and one day we went and got Tucker...at a McDonalds! (That is where we met the breeder). Thank goodness that decision was made for me because Tucker is such an entertaining and loyal puppy!