Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Exercising & Accountability

Exercising has ALWAYS been something that I have dreaded. When I have the extra time I could spend exercising, I just can't make my body get up to go do more work! And when I do have the motivation to exercise, I get in the work-out room, start working out, and 5 minutes later....I decide that I have had enough!

However, I know exercising would something very beneficial to my body. I currently do not exercise and enjoy lots of candy and pop. Yum! But, I want to take care of the body God has blessed me with and I do not feel like I am currently doing that!

Therefore....I am going to start my exercise plan that my wonderful fiance put together for me :) My goal is to work at it for 2 months and then review how I have done!

I want YOU to help me do this by holding me accountable for my exercising in these next two months!

According to my exercise plan, Wednesdays are normally my day off....but I don't think I should start my plan with a day off! So today I will do Tuesday's agenda:

Jodi's Spiritual and Physical Workout Sheet


Spiritual Exercise:
1. Pray
2. Read one chapter from any of the Gospels
3. Meditate-Find one versie that I can apply immediately

Physical Exercise
1. Do 25 In-and-Outs
2. Do 15 minutes of jogging, 10 minutes of walking
3. Do 25 Hip-Rock-and-Raises

Wish me Luck!!! And feel free to join me ;)


  1. Saw this on your desk. It melted my heart :) What a wonderful fiance you have that has helped you find a plan taht will exercise you both spiritually and physically! Our God is a God of wholeness - mind, body and spirit. Neat to incorporate them both. I would love to join you in this, though mine may look a little different with our crazy different schedules. I'll definitely hold you accountable ;P. Today/tonight/Whenever you pray, try sitting in silence for ten minutes (or more) and meditating on one word/characteristic of God - as your Beloved, as your strength, or your peace. Just sit, whisper the word, and dwell in Him. Let all things on your mind and heart slip away and truly press in. That's my challenge to you - since so often when we pray, we ask for things and spend more time talking than listening and sitting in awesome reverence ;)

  2. You hip-rock-and-raise sista!

    Ben and Jeni

    p.s. We only found out about your blog today, May 8th. Why didn't you tell us!? Thanks for linking our blog by the way, Ben was feeling sad because his number of readers had gone down...:)
